World Wine Trade Group

Wine Regulatory Principles


In August 2014, the governments of the World Wine Trade Group produced the “Tbilisi Statement”, in which they endorsed a set of good regulatory practice principles for wine. It was the first agreement of its kind among governments, with the potential to have significant trade-facilitating impacts.

Shortly after, members of the International Wine Technical Summit, together with the FIVS Scientific and Technical Committee, began working on a series of technical documents related to several of the Principles of the Tbilisi Statement to create guidance illustrating how practical application might take place. Some of these papers have been presented at the APEC Wine Regulatory Forum and submitted to WWTG governments for consideration and the Group endorsed one of them (on the microbiological safety of wine). In addition, to expand familiarity with the concepts involved, the principles (in the form endorsed by FIVS) and two of the implementation papers have been presented at the OIV Scientific Congress and International Wine Technical Summit the over the last few years.

We are happy to report this activity is ongoing. The WWTG endorsed a new set of principles in Cape Town in 2017 and two more in Neuquén in 2018. More technical implementation papers are being produced by the FIVS Scientific and Technical Committee and considered within the International Wine Technical Summit. Accordingly, we envisage that this tool will be regularly updated and will comprise a more and more significant body of work on the sound regulation of wine from a technical perspective. 


English, Español, and 中文翻译如下



1. 避免不必要的分析。政府应当设立基于风险的监管限量以避免不必要的分析。

2. 相关标准。各国政府应在国际标准设定机构相关标准的基础之上,同时结合考虑与其世贸义务相关的世界葡萄酒贸易组织成员国在有关建立新监管限量方面的工作成果。

3. 监管合作。如果根据科学依据及其他合理理由,在国家和地区间不应当存在差异的话,各国政府应当在可行范围内就设定监管限量寻求合作。合作可以通过多种途径来实现,包括但不限于通过完全相同的条款、互认对方的条款、或设立适当的许可范围。

4. 统一的计算单位。各国政府应在可行和恰当的范围内使用一套统一的科学计算单位用以表述葡萄酒的监管限量。

5. 监管限量的表述。各国政府在表述与葡萄酒相关的监管限量时应当使用“每单位容积的葡萄酒”而非“每单位容积的酒精”。

6. 结果表述的一体化。各国政府应在规则、法规和要求中涉及诸如总体酸性之类的某个单一葡萄酒成份的规定时,使用一套统一的方式来表述分析结果。

7. 分析水平。当各国政府为葡萄酒制定分析水平的限量时,应当明确其所使用的方法并向社会公布其所设置的限量和使用的方法。

8. 认证认可。各国政府应确保对送审葡萄酒进行分析的实验室是经认证认可符合国际标准的实验室(或由有认证资质的分析师监督。

9. 分析方法的验证。各国政府应确保其使用的实验室针对葡萄酒合规检测所使用的分析方法均为经过验证的葡萄酒分析方法,并确保各实验室均具备使用上述方法的能力。

10. 真实样本。葡萄酒的真假鉴别是打假和防范误导性操作的关键,因此各国政府应当保有一套相对完整的真实样本数据库并将测试样本与其进行对比,以避免将真实合法的样本归类为假冒样本。

11. 测试的不确定性。各国政府应确保其使用的实验室对分析结果中的不确定性予以说明。政府部门在解读分析结果时应对测试的不确定性加以考虑。